Shito Ryu Karate #6 ( Download )

RS-0449 dL
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#6 Cracking the Code of Kata is Neville Billamoria's contribution to the arts and their The Kosokun (Kushanku/Kanku) Series. Considered some of the most advanced kata of Shuri te, Cracking the Code of the Kosokun series help the martial artist "view the sky" and find their place in the universe both physically (Latitude and Longitude )and metaphysically (Where am I? "Why am I here?) In this DVD you will learn: -The exact day, time and direction to perform these kata during the year -How to align with your "moral compass" and the North Star with Kosokun Sho -How to connect with the "guiding light" of the Sun with Kosokun Dai -The rarely known kata Kosokun Shi Ho Sho and Kosokun Shi Ho Dai -How the series actually map the sky and represent the two equinox and two solstices of a seasonal calendar year Cracking the Code of the Kosokun will change your mind and you can keep the change!

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RS-0449 dL

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