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Spirit of the Empty Hand ( Download )

Spirit of the Empty Hand ( Download )

The fascinating true story of author Stan Schmidt's journey from the first day of karate training to achieving 3rd degree black belt in Japan. One of the all-time classic books on karate, written by one of the foremost instructors in the world. Spirit of...
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The Law of the Fist (Download)

The Law of the Fist (Download)

The "empty hands" or the "flowery hands" was a science, an art, a philosophy. It was practiced by monks who were devout believers in nonviolence more than 1500 years ago. Today we call it "Karate" and in our young country we think of it as something new!...
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Beyond The Physical #1 ( Download )

Beyond The Physical #1 ( Download )

Over 320 topics discussed by a man sometimes known as the Pied Piper of Martial Arts Richard "Biggie" Kim. Health, Ethics, Code Of Bushido, Nirvana, Energy-Ki, Religion, Koans, Laws Of The Universe, Ranking Standards, ancient kata translations, History,...
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Goju Ryu Dictionary (Download)

Goju Ryu Dictionary (Download)

An excellent Reference Book for the Japanese Terminology for all Japanese Goju Terms. Translates from English to Japanese and from Japanese to English. Categorized by hands, feet, stances, katas, etc. The best book out there on terminology for all...
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The Classical Man #3 (Download)

The Classical Man #3 (Download)

Written by Richard Kim and Don Warrener this is the third and final in the trilology of books on the samurai stories of Sensei Kim's that were told in every day classes. Kim was a master story teller and these books will teach you his philosophy and ways...
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BULLY BOSS - A Case Study (Download)

BULLY BOSS - A Case Study (Download)

Author Annette Hellingrath used daily e-mails written over three years about what it was like to work for a bully boss as the body of this work. She also tried to figure out what leads someone to become a bully and what leads someone to become the victim...
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Uchi Deshi and the Master ( Download )

Uchi Deshi and the Master ( Download )

 UCHI-DESHI, literally meaning, “inside student,” is a Japanese term for a live-in student or apprentice who trains under and assists a sensei on a full-time basis. This system exists in Kabuki, Rakugo, Shogi, Igo, Aikido, Sumo, Karate...
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Karate's Modern Masters ( Download )

Karate's Modern Masters ( Download )

 HUNDREDS OF BOOKS EXIST with writings on the various masters of the martial arts, including the expansive and highly popular art of Karate. Some publications focus on single individuals who have grown over many decades to be legends within the...
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Cheng Man-Ch’ing ( Download )

Cheng Man-Ch’ing ( Download )

 CHENG MAN-CH'ING (Zheng Manqing) Cheng Man-ch'ing wrote this series of essays to make various points of classical Chinese philosophy understandable to beginning readers. Mark Hennessy does a wonderful job in translating this work, as well as...
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