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Japanese Sword Guards Download version

Japanese Sword Guards Download version

With this book Okabe Kakuya has produced a concise catalougue of a collection of Japanese sword guards, or tsubas. It is unknown if a list of tsubas, or tsuba makers has been collected like this in any other works. The author first delves into the...
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Jutte writen by one of America's foremost authorities of Jiu Jitsu Master George Kirby. In this text he describes so much of the history of the Jutte (Ju-Ten) (Te-Hand) or ten hands. He goes in to depth about the use of the weapon demonstrating its multi...
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Japanese Sword Blades ( Download )

Japanese Sword Blades ( Download )

THE JAPANESE SWORD is a weapon steeped in history and long-developed over many centuries. Swords may differ in size, shape, field of application and method of manufacture --- the most commonly known types of Japanese swords are the katana, wakizashi, and...
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