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World Head Of Family Sokeship Council

World Head Of Family Sokeship Council

This is a whose who of martial arts masters from around the world. The World Head Of Family Sokeship Council is a group of distinguished masters who have joined to gether to help propogate and preserve the history of World Martial Arts. The book has...
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The story and Legacy of Karate in Canada and two of its most important founders of Benny Allen and Bob Dalgleish both original students of the Founder Masami Tsuruoka of Toronto. Benny was one of the most powerful karate-ka, Canada ever had as he would...
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Beyond The Physical #1 ( Download )

Beyond The Physical #1 ( Download )

Over 320 topics discussed by a man sometimes known as the Pied Piper of Martial Arts Richard "Biggie" Kim. Health, Ethics, Code Of Bushido, Nirvana, Energy-Ki, Religion, Koans, Laws Of The Universe, Ranking Standards, ancient kata translations, History,...
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The Classical man (Download)

The Classical man (Download)

The Classical Man by Richard Kim is Masters Publication’s number one selling book. The book is a collection of stories, told only the way Richard Kim could tell them. Always entertaining, as well as information, The Classical Man is not only for...
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Goju Ryu Dictionary (Download)

Goju Ryu Dictionary (Download)

An excellent Reference Book for the Japanese Terminology for all Japanese Goju Terms. Translates from English to Japanese and from Japanese to English. Categorized by hands, feet, stances, katas, etc. The best book out there on terminology for all...
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The Classical Man #3 (Download)

The Classical Man #3 (Download)

Written by Richard Kim and Don Warrener this is the third and final in the trilology of books on the samurai stories of Sensei Kim's that were told in every day classes. Kim was a master story teller and these books will teach you his philosophy and ways...
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Inside Boxing ( Download )

Inside Boxing ( Download )

FLOYD PATTERSON (1935–2006) was an American professional boxer who competed from 1952 to 1972, and twice reigned as the world heavyweight champion from 1956 to 1962. At the age of 21, he became the youngest boxer in history to win the title, and...
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