Dojo Stories

Dojo Stories 

From the 1960's


How did I get my Black belt? Well in 1968 when I received my belt there was no styles of karate in Canada as there was just karate. Ok maybe Chito Ryu but that was about it. No one cared about what style you were, all that mattered was could you fight or not. I was far from the best but I sure as hell wasn't the worst either. No Okinawa Goju-Ryu or Shorin Ryu only karate. So in our school run by Benny Allen we only learnt karate and in fact in another Dojo Story I will tell you about Heinan Yondan you will laff at that one. We did Shotokan, Goju, Choy Lee Fut, Hungar, PaQua, and Tai Chi. Plus a lot of physical fitness at least one hour every class.

But back to my BB grading. It took about 15 minutes maximum for 3 of us to get graded to Black Belt, Bill Yonef, Pat Ammondollio, and myself. We each did Sanchin while Frank Wishart beat the hell out of our bodies and then we did another kata and finally we sparred a bit. Maximum 15 minutes and then Benny said OK lets go over to the Jockey Club. The three Officials at the grading were Benny Alle, Bob Dalgleish, and Frank Wishart and we all received a thumbs up.

We got over their and I just 18 got in and we were all told that it was our turn to buy the round of $.20 Draft Beer. Benny reached into his gym bag pulled out 3 black belts and handed them out and said congratulations you guys now lets drink to that.

You see back then becoming a Black Belt was not that important to anyone. What was important was could you fight or not and did you help out at the dojo and the other students in teaching. Of course we never got paid for that it was considered our duty to spread the word and help out to promote karate.

Those were the days my friend, 

I thought they would never end. 

But they have.

They are Over and Next is the right word, on to bigger and better things. No sense living in the past. But they sure were good times.

Photo # 1 Fighting against Bobbie Smith in Ottawa at Canadian Open 1968. I got really lucky in that one. George Sylvain referring.

Photo #2 The day after I got my Black Belt with my nephew Ken Kerr punching me.

Photo #3 Myself and Benny Allen in my Office at 1109 Main Ste Hamilton when I was maybe 22 years old.