Shi Yanti the New Face Of The Shaolin Temple final Chapter (Please share with a friend).

Shi Yanti the New Face Of The

Shaolin Temple

By Don Warrener

Shi Yanti came to Hollywood through a mutual friend of ours Kent Moyer (from World Protection Group and a fellow Goju Ryu Stylist) not to be a movie star like his Shaolin Brother Jet Li became but rather to spread the Culture of Shaolin through a DVD series he agreed to do with us entitled “China’s Shaolin Gung Fu” “Ancient ways of the Shaolin Warrior”. The series includes for the first time a concise and exact interview in English on the true history of the Shaolin Temple and its roll in the development of all martial arts.

The DVD’s include a complete unadulterated history of the Shaolin Monastery from its earliest beginnings before even Bodhidharma came to the monastery. Bodhidharma spent nine years in a cave meditating on Mount Wuru behind the Shaolin Temple. Between his long meditation sessions he created a series of exercises to stretch his limbs and strengthen his body. These became the Gung Fu that Shaolin Temple has become famous for. Shi Yanti also teaches the basic techniques of Gung Fu with complete explanations of each move. He then gets into both Standing and Sitting Qi Gong with so much detail and explanation it was enthralling. He then teaches an ancient form called Da Hong Quan Erlu exactly the way it is taught inside the Temple in China. This set dates back to the Song Dynasty 960- 1279 AD. And according to Shi Yanti this is the roots of all forms that came after. Then finally he teaches Zen–Chan Meditation exactly the way it is taught in the Meditation Hall inside the Temple. I asked him is the word Zen not a Japanese word and he smiled and said yes but it comes from Sanskrit and in Chinese we actually say Chan. During this tape he teaches the exact way your body and mind should be working and thinking. Plus he teaches how long you should be doing a session of Meditation and when he reveals how long, you have to say to yourself of course that is how long it should be why did I not see that? He went on to say that the benefit of Zen-Chan is spiritual enlightenment, while Gung Fu maintains physical health so that you 

may continue your pursuit of Zen-Chan or Meditation.

Finally I asked him what he would like to see the Shaolin Temple be like in 100 years from now. He said that the Shaolin Temple will keep pace with modern times but that he hopes that everyone will come and visit Shaolin and experience the benefits of the teachings at the temple.

Shi Yanti is the whole package when it comes to being a martial artist. He is in exceptional shape, his technique is flawless, plus his pedigree comes from the highest level and the most credible sources of any organization ‘The Shaolin Temple”.

We are very sure that his master Abbot Shi Yongxin is proud of him as are the many Abbot’s who came before him are all standing and applauding the development of this young master monk that carries on a tradition of 1500 years with the same passion, sincerity and love for this ancient form that they had.

The series name is “ China’s Ancient Forms of Shaolin Gung Fu”

The individual titles include:

Shaolin History and Culture.

Basics Jiben

Qi Gong Standing

Qi Gong Sitting


Da Hong Quan