What Does Yama Bushi Mean?

What does YAMA BUSHI Mean?

Featuring Myo Jun Sensei

The word Yama Bushi many think means Mountain Warrior.  But in fact it has a totally different meaning. The word Yama does mean mountain but in this case Bushi does not mean warrior it actually means living. So the term Yama Bushi means Mountain Living. The word Bushi is actually a homonym one meaning is warrior and one meaning living.

There is actually no kanji for the word Mountain Warrior.  Yama Bushi only can mean Mountain Living. 

Rising Sun Productions has just bought the rights to a new and different DVD that will soon be made available for the very first time in English. The title is "YAMA BUSHI". 

This is the story of the rituals and meanings of these rituals of Shugendo "The Way to Attain Spiritual Awakening" which is a combination of Buddhism and Shintoism philosophy mixed together.

These are some of the images you will see.  The story features Myo Jun Sensei who is a practitioner of many years as a Yama Bushi.