The Karate Instructor's Handbook Download

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Lester Ingber graduated from Brooklyn Technical High School in 1958, and went to Cal Tech in Pasadena where he began his training in both physics and karate. He continued his physics studies at UC San Diego and the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, receiving his doctorate in theoretical physics from UCSD in 1966. In 1969, he became the first westerner to receive the Instructor's diploma from the Japan Karate Association and the All America Karate Federation, Los Angeles. By 1970, his physics experience encompassed two years as a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow and another two years as a physics professor. By 1972, he had professionally instructed and been acclaimed for his researches in both karate and physics at UC Berkeley, UC Los Angeles, State U of New York at Stony Brook, and UC San Diego. In 1970, he formally integrated his vocations and avocations and founded the Institute for the Study of Attention, a non-profit corporation “which was better designed to help society and its individual” than the institutions of his previous affiliations. This book represents one of the many successful projects completed at ISA.



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